Role of Optimism and Resilience in Determining Sports Performance




Resilience, Performance, Mental Health, Optimism


Purpose: Optimism refers to the tendency to expect positive outcomes and see setbacks as temporary and specific rather than permanent and pervasive and Resilience is the ability to bounce back after adversities in life. The present study was conducted to find out the relationship of Optimism, Resilience and Sports Performance. Methods: Total 60 participants (16 Females 44 Males) across NCR region; with cross sports participants as well as achievement at distinct levels beginning from district level to national/inter-university level of age between 15 to 25 years were selected as sample. For this purpose, Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT- R), Cannor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25 and Cross Sports Athletic Rating Scale were used to collect and data was statistically analyzed using correlation and regression analysis using SPSS. Result: The correlation was found by Pearson’s correlation and the statistical results indicate that there is a positive correlation between Optimism, Resilience and sports performance and regression analysis indicate that Resilience is a major predictor of Sports performance

Author Biographies

  • Vipin Sehrawat, Research Scholar, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana

  • Bindu Kumari, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Hindu Girls College, Sonipat, Haryana, India

  • Kuldeep Nara, Professor, Department of Physical Education, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana


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Orginal Scientific Article: Sports

How to Cite

Vipin Sehrawat, Bindu Kumari, & Kuldeep Nara. (2024). Role of Optimism and Resilience in Determining Sports Performance. Sports Science & Health Advances, 2(1), 240-246.